Welcome to Sveatoslav a.k.a MEDBEDb projects page :).
Few words about me:
I graduated the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and got a degree in Finance and Stock Exchanges. I'm passionate about new technologies, scripting and functional programming using pragmatic languages (such as ruby), gadgets and latest trends in mobile world tendencies. Being a family man and a father of 3 years old son i strive to succeed in both day-to-day tasks and in terms of longer goals planning and achieving. Big fan of photography (including HDR, time-lapse, astrophotography and panoramic techniques), enjoy playing guitar and piano, swimming and snorkelling , love traveling, astronomy, have a personal wordpress blog, enjoy spending time on stackoverflow website and like making life easier on web using various automation techniques.
My Projects::
1. save_images_ondoklassniki
A ruby + watir-webdriver script that will save all images from all your albums at ondoklassniki.ru
2. gplus_img_saver
Ruby based Google+ images (from events and photo-albums) parser based on watir-webdriver and open-uri frameworks.
3. ingress_invite_gen
Ingress invite code generator (joke) is a little ruby script i wrote for simulation generation of ingress invite codes..
4. waitrose_survey_batch
www.waitrosecares.com - survey helper, having array of batch receipts and userdata as input. Will complete number of survey cycles for the user based on the number of receipts in array.
5. Smallest_Fibonacci
Smallest Fibonacci numbers generator in Ruby Will ask your input on how many numbers to generate. Includes initial zero number. Math is fun. Ruby is fun :)
6. Ruby Warrior Presentation: Linear & OOP Solutions
Ruby Warrior Presentation: Linear & OOP Solutions. A triumphant quest of adventure, love & destiny all within a few lines of code https://www.bloc.io/ruby-warrior#/
7. Test Automation using Ruby (Watir-Webdriver, Rspec, Cucumber, Rake and CI using Jenkins) Presentation
Presentation for the Testing Week @Endava - Test Automation using Ruby (Watir-Webdriver, Rspec, Cucumber, Rake and CI using Jenkins)
8. Universal-Test-Framework-on-Ruby
UTFOR is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby (BDD). The scope of creating such a framework was - add simple, flexible and universal tool to quickly run the smoke/sanity checks based on any given Web App tree of links
Support or Contact
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